The verse inscribed on the inside of our PEARL ring is Deuteronomy 31:8:
"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
These were the words Moses spoke to the Israelites before they entered the promised land. He had led them for 40 years through the wilderness and they were finally close to reaching their destination. Moses knew he wouldn’t live to see it and he knew they were afraid of the prospect of walking it alone. This land was unknown to them. Therefore, before his passing, he reminded the Israelites that someone greater would go before them and be with them.
The first part of this verse is so very personal. “The Lord Himself goes before you.” God Himself, the maker of heaven and earth says He will personally go ahead of you and I. He will go before us into life’s unknown circumstances. Even more so, He is already there waiting for us to arrive. How comforting is that to know? Doesn’t it dissolve every fear knowing that He is already there and He is in control of every possible situation and imaginable outcome.
This word ‘go before’ in Hebrew also means ‘to lead.’ The Israelites needed direction as much as we do today. God wants to lead and guide us. In fact, He goes ahead so that we can follow. He doesn’t force it on us, rather He gives us space and an opportunity to make that choice. One thing's for sure, if we choose to go His way we will receive His promise.
The promised land is where the Israelites eventually settled. We sometimes interpret this in our own lives as reaching our desired destination or goal, but it’s more than a place or blessing. The best part about the promised land is God's presence. He dwells there. Perhaps that is the greatest promise we will ever receive or know - God himself.
So be comforted today as you wear this verse on your finger, knowing that God Himself personally goes ahead of you. He promises to be with you, to never leave you or forget about you. You don’t need worry about what lies ahead because He is already there. Continue to seek His presence and follow Him. You’ll find that you will never walk alone. His promise to you is this: I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS XO